What grades are taught and why?
LWCA is currently focusing on grades 3-8. Kindergarten – 2nd grade are considered by most to be the easiest to homeschool. Also, the public schools at this age are not AS LIBERAL as the higher grades are. As students, we first learn to read, and then read to learn. Our teachers need to concentrate right now on the primary (aka Grammar) and middle (aka Logic) grades. These students already know HOW to read, so it is time to READ to LEARN. As soon as possible, high school (aka Rhetoric) classes will also be made available. LWCA calls these four years secondary school. We are accepting applications from families with high school students, but until additional financial resources are available to LWCA it is best that primary and middle school remain the focus.
How does classical curriculum compare to other Christian curriculum?
This answer deserves a three-hour lecture and a 20 page capstone project. Without that available to us here, classical relies heavily on “the trivium,” Latin and Greek, and strives to incorporate Christ through ALL rather than merely “sprinkled on top.”
As a product of Christian curriculum and private schooling, it is fair for Dr. Grover to say, “They tried hard to create a good Christian school, but they simply took progressive education and re-incorporated prayer and the Bible. It wasn’t nearly enough to provide effective ability to use language and reason or to keep graduates from deconstructing their fragile faith.”
How much is tuition?
Public schools in America are awarded an average of $17,280 for EACH and EVERY student that attends!* If you have any hesitation about the cost of investing in a classical Christian education, simply read or listen to Pete Hegseth’s book, Battle for the American Mind, and you will realize that you have no choice BUT to remove your child from the socialist, secular humanist government-run school. Most families will pay 10 monthly installments of $400 for the 25-26 academic year.
* Hanson, Melanie. “U.S. Public Education Spending Statistics” EducationData.org, July 14, 2024, https://educationdata.org/public-education-spending-statistics
Does Michigan have a school voucher or tax-deduction program for a private school?
Sadly, the short answer currently is NO.
Does LWCA require uniforms and if so, why?
Yes. All students will wear a simple uniform that will be clarified prior to each school year. More often than not, fashion DIVIDES rather than UNIFIES. We are called to dwell together in UNITY, and uniforms are one simple way that unity is increased and the challenging Christian journey is actually made EASIER for families. We understand that typically parents are in favor and students are not. ALL Christians, including young Christians or even students who have not yet given their lives completely to Christ, are required by the Lord to do hard things with good attitudes.
What resources does LWCA have for students with special needs?
All students have special needs in one way or another! However, since we are currently a private school on the smaller side, we do not currently have many additional resources for students with special needs like public schools are mandated to have. LWCA educators work with all families to create education plans for each student. Each student’s needs will be evaluated on an individual basis. Please contact school administration regarding student accommodations as soon as enrollment application is required.
What curriculum will be used and how will you function with so few students in so many grades?
FANTASTIC questions that have already involved countless hours of research and discussion! The current staff and Board of Directors are actively making many decisions now. In the future, when we realize that we need to make a change because something is not working well, we will prayerfully make that change as quickly as possible. Fortunately, we are LEANING HEAVILY on the work of other classical Christian conservative schools that have successfully paved the way for us.
We openly recognize that small Christian schools have a high rate of failure, but we are doing everything within our power to ensure LWCA’s long-term success and growth. In so many ways, we are creating a hybrid of the best aspects of Christian home-schooling and the best aspects of social interaction M-F while parents are working. In terms of curriculum and daily schedules, we strongly believe that using Classical Academic Press for Bible, Logos Latin, Shurley Grammar and great literature for ELA, Christ-centered and chronological “Mystery of History,” Apologia Science, Singapore and Shormann Math, Schole and Kepler Academies, and any other tools that the Lord makes clear to us will give us every possible chance for academic success. In “progressive” government-run schools, students rarely spend time with kids in grades that are not their own. Most of LWCA’s students will enjoy the many benefits of spending time with students that are both older and younger than they are. The full-time teachers will break down all the lessons that are grade-specific and decide who will teach what and when. For example, Dr. Grover will likely teach all of the three Bible classes and they will be divided into 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. But at a different time during the day, she may teach ONLY the 3rd grade ELA class while other teachers teach the remaining students. Some of the scheduling decisions will not be able to be made until we find out exactly how many students will be attending LWCA during their grammar and logic years! Each day will be filled with exercise, study, meals, reading, enrichment, and drinking from the LIVING WATER provided to us by the Son of God – our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.