LWCA is distinctive in many thoughtful and prayerful ways. Every decision made by the school’s leadership is intended to improve each student’s probability for a successful life as a follower of Jesus, not merely their probability for successful or prosperous career.
Academically, we have chosen to utilize a classical curriculum. These tried-and-true teaching styles and associated materials teach students how to think, not just what to think. The classical curriculum tailors its teaching style to the best aspects of a child’s God-imagined stage of development.
Spiritually, students are given many opportunities to find faith and grow in maturity. The Biblical worldview is the fabric of EVERYTHING that is studied. Prayer, Bible memorization, chapel, worship, community service, drama, and the arts are a few examples of methods used to draw students closer to their Creator.
Perhaps most importantly, our school is distinct because most of our students actually like coming here, learning, doing their homework, and explaining their schoolwork to their parents. In Michigan public schools today, the unsubstantiated but highly likely percentage of students that HATE SCHOOL is 98.2%. That ratio is exactly reversed at Living Water Christian Academy!
There will always be students who struggle with their academics, the rigor of a daily required schedule, or the social interactions required in a school setting. However, there should be no cause for hatred.
Parents, please rest in the knowledge that LWCA is not committed to making school fun, but is committed to teaching its students in a way that will improve their relationship with the greatest teacher of all, Jesus of Nazareth. Miraculously, He makes even the most difficult lessons into something superbly enjoyable.
For more distinctives that set LWCA apart from other educational options for our area, please click these links to see our PROFILE OF A GRADUATE and summary of Dorothy Sayer’s “Lost Tools of Learning.”